A.1 Installation and configuration of lithium-ion battery with Modbus communication
The eSite x10 can be configured to read data from a battery monitoring system (BMS) used on a lithium-ion battery bank. The data is used to control the charge and discharge of the battery.
All communication to the battery bank is made via the RS485 connector, connected to the C7-1 (Data A) and C7-2 (Data B) ports on the eSite x10 Lower Main I/O screw terminals and the corresponding connectors on the battery. The protocol is Modbus-RTU and all data signals and alarms are pre-defined from a Modbus register provided by the battery manufacturer.
The following steps describe the configuration of one of the supported lithium-ion batteries. Note that the settings differ between different battery manufacturers.
A.1.1 Battery installation
Follow the manufacturer's installation guide to install the batteries and connect them to the eSite x10 48V bus bars.
Connect the battery RS485 (Data A) output wire to the eSite x10 RS485 connector, C7-1 (Data A).
Connect the battery RS485 (Data B) output wire to the eSite x10 RS485 connector, C7-1 (Data B).
It is important to assign a unique Slave-ID to each Li-ion Battery Monitoring Unit (BMU). Note that Slave-ID '1' must be assigned to the BMU with RS485 communication cable connected (the 'main' BMU) and continue in ascending order with the following BMU(s). How to set the Slave-IDs is specified in the manufacturer's manual.
A.1.2 eSite x10 Modbus Configuration
All settings are made from the local eSite Web pages under Configuration/Modbus Communication. An overview of the configuration pages is shown in figure A.1.
To complete the eSite x10 configuration for Li-ion battery communication, follow these steps:
Connect to the eSite x10 Wi-Fi named 'eSite + serial' number.
Login to the site with the user: Admin. The password is provided by eSite Power Systems.
Open the Configuration page and select the Battery tab.
Select a battery template for the installed Li-ion battery and press the 'Press to select battery template' button.
Open the Configuration page and select the Modbus Communication tab.
Enable the communication to Li-ion BMS by selecting the 'ON' setting.
Set the number of installed Li-ion modules, max number of modules is 16. The eSite x10 requires that the first module (BMU) is assigned slave-ID '1'.
Check the Modbus communication protocol, should match the selected battery type.
Set the RS485 Baudrate according to the manufacturer's manual.
After making any changes, restart the Modbus communication by pressing 'Restart'.
To check the communication, open the Battery page and check the BMU status under the Battery menu tab.
A.2 Installation and configuration of AMF panel
Many manufacturers of Genset AMF panels can communicate via a serial line (daisy-chain). eSite x10 supports communication over Modbus-RTU protocol half-duplex RS-485. Over this communication, it is possible to read data, alarms and set commands. Two (2) Genset panels can be configured at one site.
All communication to the AMF panel is made via the RS485 connector, connected to the C7-1 (Data A) and C7-2 (Data B) ports on the eSite x10 and the corresponding connectors on the panel. All settings such as baudrate and slave-ID are made in the local eSite Web Configuration/Modbus Communication pages.
If both AMF Genset panel and Li-ion communication is used via Modbus/RTU, the Baudrate MUST be the same.
If both AMF Genset panel and Li-ion communication is used via Modbus/RTU, make sure that the Slave IDs are not in conflict. They MUST be unique.
To configure the Modbus data and alarms requires knowledge of how the AMF panel Modbus register is set up. You may find a detailed description of the parameters here.
It is possible to import pre-defined AMF-panel configurations by following the steps in the Upload Configuration Data section. Contact eSite Power Systems for support.
Figure A.2 shows an example of the local web configuration of a DSE-7320 AMF panel. Baudrate is 9600 and Slave-ID on the AMF panel is set to 16.
A.3 System update
The eSite x10 includes 8 different controllers which all can be updated with new firmware if needed. All updates are triggered by a manual execution via the local web page or remotely via eSite Tools, performed by eSite Power Systems.
A.3.1 Update Main controller
The main controller is based on the Linux operation system. Before you update the system, always make a backup of the configuration files, see section Backup Data.
Make sure you have a firmware file name flex-update-field.img located on a USB stick or your PC.
Connect to the eSite x10 Wi-Fi named 'eSite + serial' number.
Login to the local eSite x10 web page as Admin. The password is provided by eSite Power Systems.
Press the Configuration menu and then the System tab (see figure A.3).
Press the "Update eSite x10 Controllers" link.
In the update page, press the "Select file" link, find the update file on your PC and then "Upload file". Follow the instructions from the page.
The update can take up to 5 minutes to process.
After the update, log in again and verify that the new version is presented in the About page.
A.3.2 Update ACDC/Solar/IO controllers
Updates of the micro controllers are performed in the same way as for the Main controller. Before updating the micro controllers, make sure you have received a valid update package from eSite Power Systems.
The package name can be anything but must have an extension of .slv
Follow steps 2-6 above.
Return to system page.
A.3.3 Backup Data
Downloading a backup of configuration data is useful when sharing data between sites. You can share Battery configurations and Modbus setups. It is also possible to backup log data.
Connect to the eSite x10 Wi-Fi named 'eSite + serial' number.
Login to the local eSite x10 web page as Admin. The password is provided by eSite Power Systems.
Press the Configuration menu and then the System tab.
Press the "Backup Data" link (see figure A.4).
In the backup page, select the desired data in the drop-down menu, write a file name (must end with .flx) and press the download button.
A.3.4 Upload Configuration Data
It is possible to upload a downloaded configuration or upload a configuration delivered from eSite Power Systems.
Connect to the eSite x10 Wi-Fi named 'eSite + serial' number.
Login to the local eSite x10 web page as Admin. The password is provided by eSite Power Systems.
Press the Configuration menu and then the System tab.
Press the "Upload Configuration Data" link.
In the restore page, select a file by pressing the link, the file must end with .flx, then press "Upload file".
Follow the instructions from the page.
Return to system page.
A.4 License file
eSite x10 requires a license file to be installed to get all desired options enabled. Without any license file installed, the system will operate in with a very limited functionality. Before site commissioning, make sure you have received a valid license file which matches the serial number of the eSite x10 and that includes the options you have purchased.
A license file can match several serial numbers with different options. Make sure you have the correct one before starting the site commissioning.
If firmware updates are necessary as part of the site commissioning, please install the updates before installing the license file.
A.4.1 Delivery mode
All eSite x10 systems are delivered without a license file installed. When the eSite x10 is powered up for the first time, it will operate in 'Delivery mode' where the following default options are set:
Input Source A is set to Grid
Input Source B is disabled
Built-in Solar converters are disabled
Tenant monitoring is disabled
A.4.2 Installation of License file
A.4.2.1 First time installation
Login to the local eSite x10 web page as Admin and press 'next' on the Welcome screen to start the site commissioning guide (see figure A.5).
If any controller firmware needs to be updated, press the 'Update Controller Software here!' link and install the updates.
Press the 'Install license file here!' link to enter the license update page.
On the license update page (see figure A.6), press the "Select file" link and choose the license file from your PC and then press "Upload file". Press return to System pages when finished.
A log file is presented the result of the update. After the update, press 'Return to the system pages'.
A.4.2.2 Update License file
If you need to update the License file due to changes in the options, please go to the configuration pages under the System tab on the eSite Web.
Press the "Update eSite x10 License" link and follow the procedure above.
Copyright © 2021 eSite Power Systems AB
Last updated
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