5 Site Commissioning
5.1 Site Commissioning introduction
During a Site Commissioning, the eSite Modular system configurations are finalized. This is where the connected Converter Units are manually registered (or unregistered) to set up a complete eSite Modular system. The Site Commissioning also verifies that the eSite RMC unit is set up correctly and that the system will operate as intended. This decreases the risk of unplanned outages and downtime. The Site Commissioning is a quality-oriented procedure used to make sure that eSite Modular and its associated systems work properly together and meet with their objectives.
The Site Commissioning is performed on site after the Converter Units has been installed and connected to the RMC and before the eSite Modular system is fully operational.
5.2 Prepare for Site Commissioning
Before Site Commissioning is started, the installation of the eSite Modular Converter Units and the associated systems must be finished.
5.2.1 Site Commissioning equipment
Bring the following equipment to the site in order to access the Site Commissioning guide:
Mobile phone or laptop with an Internet browser installed, and with an available Ethernet port and/or Wi-Fi.
Ethernet network cable (if you use a laptop and if Wi-Fi is not possible).
It is not always possible to charge a mobile phone or laptop on the site. Make sure that your devices are fully charged and/or bring more batteries or a charger cable to charge the mobile phone or laptop batteries.
5.2.2 Inspection of the electrical installation
Before powering up the system and starting the Site Commissioning, perform a final inspection of the electrical installation and verify that it is done correctly. If necessary, re-tighten all terminals that have a screw connection to make sure that the electrical installation is correct. Use tools with insulation.
Make sure that all circuit breakers and fuses are switched off before doing any work with the electrical installation.
When the inspection is completed, engage MCBs for the associated systems and start up the eSite Modular System.
5.3 eSite Web
The Site Commissioning is performed via the eSite Web interface. Access to the eSite Web requires a network connection to the eSite RMC unit. Follow the steps described in this section to connect to the eSite RMC unit and complete the Site Commissioning.
5.3.1 Possibilities to connect
You can access the eSite Web through an Ethernet cable connection or through the Wi-Fi network. Your available equipment dictates how you connect.
5.3.2 Connect with Wi-Fi/WLAN
Use your mobile phone or laptop to scan for new wireless networks.
Click on the network that starts with eSite followed by digits (the eSite RMC unit serial number).
Write the password for the wireless connection. The password is retrieved from eSite Power Systems. Select WPA & WPA2 Personal (WPA2, PSK, TKIP, CCMP) if an encrypted method is necessary.
Your mobile phone or laptop connects to the network automatically. If the connection is not set up, make sure that the network adjustments in your mobile phone or laptop are configured to use DHCP.
Start the web browser on your mobile phone or laptop.
Write in the URL field in the browser and click enter.
You are at the eSite Web login page.
5.3.3 Connect with an Ethernet cable
Connection with an Ethernet cable is not necessary if a connection through Wi-Fi is possible. If the Ethernet socket is occupied, only Wi-Fi connection is possible.
Connect the Ethernet cable from the laptop to the Ethernet socket on the Lower Main.
Set the laptop to static IP
Start the web browser on the laptop.
Write in the URL field in the browser and click enter.
You are at the eSite Web login page.
5.4 Operate Site Commissioning guide
The Site Commissioning guide will help you to verify that the eSite and the associated systems are properly connected and are working together. During the procedure, you will be asked to register your installed Converter Units, setup your power source configuration and enter specific site data. Common data to fill in are site name, site ID, eSite Tools IP address, battery type, AC Sources, genset rated power and grid fuse rating.
When the eSite Web is entered for the first time, or if a new unregistered Converter Unit is connected and detected, you will be forced into the Site Commissioning pages to perform the needed setup in order to continue.
5.4.1 Start of Site Commissioning
A Site Commissioning can be started manually by the user from the eSite Web at any time by following these steps:
Open the login page on eSite Web.
Sign in as Admin.
Go to the Settings tab.
Select 'Commissioning' in the dropdown menu to start the Site Commissioning guide.
On the 'Welcome' page, press 'Next'.
Your Site Commissioning has started, with the first page shown in figure 5.1. Follow the instructions.
The Site Commissioning guide is the only way to unregister a registered Converter Unit that is to be removed from the system. To do this, Site Commissioning must be started manually.
5.4.2 Update Software/Options
The first action to be taken by the user is to ensure that the latest software and adequate option files are installed on the RMC unit. The installed software version and the RMC serial number are displayed on the Site Commissioning page.
Without installing an option file, the system will operate with very limited functionality.
To complete the first step of Site Commissioning, do the following:
If new controller software files for system updates are available, install these by pressing the 'Update Controller software here' link. On the update page, press "Select file" and select the update file from your PC. Press "Upload file". Follow the instructions on the page. The update can take up to 5 minutes to process.
Install the RMC option file by pressing the install link. Upload the option file in the same way as for the software update file. The update process should be completed quickly.
The option file (which is provided by eSite Power Systems) must include the RMC serial number.
5.4.3 Converter Unit Registration
Before the specific site configurations can be finalized, all connected Converter Units in the system must be registered for the RMC to be able to control them properly. Registration of unregistered units may only be performed when the system is in 'Registration Mode'. The registration process will write information to the ACDC/Solar controllers, linking them to the RMC unit. This information transfer cannot be performed while the ACDC/Solar converters are active. Thus, no power conversion is allowed while the system is in 'Registration Mode'.
To register a Converter Unit, you must have a battery bank connected to the system. The system needs to run solely on the battery bank in order to enter 'Registration Mode'.
In the case of a system start-up on AC or Solar power with a Li-ion battery bank, the system must complete its initial voltage ramp-up and connect the battery bank before being able to enter 'Registration Mode'. The system starts up in 'Auto' mode and will not enter 'Registration Mode' while the battery is in the 'Precharge' state.
An example of the registration page upon start-up with three unregistered Converter Units, where the system has not yet entered 'Registration Mode', is shown in figure 5.2. Initial ramp-up and detection of the battery bank is still in progress. The battery bank should be connected and detected automatically. However, if the battery bank is not automatically detected (check by updating the page in the web browser), there is a button to press to enter 'Registration Mode' manually. Make sure that the battery bank is connected before pressing the button.
When connection of the battery bank is completed, the system enters 'Registration Mode' and the detected Converter Units may be registered.
An example of the registration page where the system has entered 'Registration Mode' is shown in figure 5.3 below, displaying three detected Converter Units connected to the system. Currently, two are registered and one is unregistered.
The 'Register' button is only enabled when the system is in 'Registration Mode'. If the button is disabled, the system has not yet entered 'Registration Mode'.
Press the 'Register' button to register a detected, unregistered Converter Unit to the system.
Press the 'Unregister' button to unregister a detected, registered Converter Unit from the system. This is applicable i.e. if the unit shall be replaced or removed.
Update the web page to update the information about registered Converter Units if needed.
When all detected Converter Units are registered, the 'Next' button becomes available in the bottom right corner of the page. Press the button to continue.
For a more detailed description of the elements in the Unit registration page, see table 5.1 below.
Unit Serial number
The Converter Unit serial number.
The serial number is found on the marking plate on the side of the Converter Unit.
See the section about the respective Converter Unit variants for more information.
Communication Status
NOK means that a registered Converter Unit is not communicating with the RMC. Unregistered Converter Units detected by the system will always display the NA status.
Registration Status
Registered/Not Registered
Current registration status of the detected Converter Unit.
The Register button is only enabled in 'Registration Mode'. The system may not enter 'Registration Mode' while the battery bank is in the 'Precharge' state.
Table 5.1. Detailed description of the Unit Registration page.
5.4.4 Site configurations
On the second page of the Site Commissioning guide, the specific site configurations are finalized before the system is fully operational. Figure 5.4 shows an example of correct settings of Site Information and Battery data.
If desired, Battery parameters can be customized further under the Settings/Battery tab after the Site Commissioning is completed.
When the network communication and Battery settings are completed, the configuration of the AC power source setup must be completed. Configurations for installed Solar power are not necessary. Figure 5.5 shows an example of correct power source settings.
When all required settings are set up correctly, all fields should be marked by green checkboxes. Continue by pressing 'Next'.
5.4.5 Active Alarms
On the final page of the Site Commissioning guide, any active site alarms are presented. If the installation and Site Commissioning procedures have been performed correctly, this page should be empty. If there are any active alarms, investigate what may have caused them and take appropriate actions to clear the alarms.
The Site Commissioning is finished by pressing the 'Exit' button.
Copyright © 2022 eSite Power Systems AB
Last updated
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