4 eSite Web
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The eSite Web interface is accessed on site via a laptop or a smartphone using Wifi or LAN cable, see Site Commissioning on how to connect to Wifi. The interface provides the user with an overview of the status of the eSite Modular system and active alarms. It also offers possibilities to configure the system, update controller softwares and download backup data.
From the front page, which displays an overview of the most important system information, tabs with more detailed information about various system parts are accessed. An example of the view on the eSite Web front page is shown in Figure 4.1. Click the labels on the menu bar to access the detailed information sections and to configure the system.
The eSite Web front page contains the following information about the specific eSite Modular system.
Site name
Text input from configuration.
Usually the town or area where the eSite Modular system is located.
Local date and time
Year - Month - Day Hour : min
Present local date and time.
eSite Tools ID
Text input from configuration.
Identifies this particular eSite Modular system in eSite Tools.
System mode
Auto / Auto Full Charge / Manual / Safe mode / UPS mode / Registration mode
Indicates in which mode the system is currently operating.
eSite Tools server connection
Not configured / No connection / Synchronized
Indicates the status of the connection to eSite Tools server.
AC Source/Solar status
Power (W), and present state of the power source.
For more information, see sections "Genset information", "Grid information" and "Solar information".
Battery status
State of charge (%), voltage (V) and battery state.
For more information, see section "Battery information".
LP/HP Load status
Connection status and present consumed power (W)
Displays the connection status and size of the low proiority and high priority parts of the customer load.
Ambient temperature (°C) Battery temperature (°C)
Displays the present temperatures of the ambient air outside the battery cabinet and the temperature inside the battery cabinet.
Total consumed power (W) and Tenant 1-10 power (W)
Displays the total consumed power by the customer load and any individually measured tenant powers.
eSite Web supports two user levels, 'Operator' and 'Admin'. Each user requires a unique user name and a password. Default passwords are provided by eSite Power Systems. Passwords may only be changed by an 'Admin' user.
View data and alarms (read only).
View data and alarms. Configure the system. Update system software and download backup data.
The Battery menu provides the information in the table below. For further information about operating the batteries, please refer to the reference Batteries section.
Battery type
Type name selected from configuration.
The battery type is shown in the table header.
State of Charge (SoC)
Shows battery state of charge. 0 % = empty batteries with no energy left. 100 % = fully charged.
Battery state
Precharge / Discharge / Charge / Absorb / Equalized / Equilibirum / Fully charged
For more information see Battery states
Battery voltage
The present battery voltage.
Battery temperature
Reads battery temperature from sensor placed in the battery bank.
Battery charge current
Total current going in and out of the battery bank(s). A negative current indicates discharge and a positive current indicates charge.
Battery capacity
Total battery bank max capacity. Depending on battery configuration this either shows the specified maximum capacity or dynamically estimates the maximum capacity.
Charge mode
Normal charge / Full charge / Extended Full Charge / Balancing Full Charge / Safe Mode / Ramp Up / Synchronize
Shows what charge mode that is currently active.
Charge request
Not active / Active
When active, eSite requires power to charge the batteries.
Cooling Fan status
Off / On / Forced On / Fall back
The Fan can be forced on via command see Configuration pages. Fall back status means that Ambient- and/or Battery-sensor are disconnected.
Battery charge strategy
Voltage control / Static SoC / Partial SoC / Li-ion Static / UPS AC Mode
Shows what charge strategy is currently active. The battery charge strategy can be configured, for more information see section Batteries.
Voltage Cycle Start
Voltage level to trigger charge cycle.
Voltage Cycle Stop
Voltage level for charge done.
Voltage Cycle Stop Current
Charge current for charge done.
Voltage Cycle Stop Time
Charge time after reaching stop voltage and stop current.
Voltage Cycle Full Charge Time / Time Left
Time between full charge cycles and time left until a full charge is triggered.
Voltage Cycle Full Charge Energy / Energy Left
Energy throughput between full charge cycles and throughput left until a full charge is triggered.
Static SoC Window start
SoC level to start charge.
Static SoC Window stop
SoC level to stop charge.
Static SoC Window Full Charge Time / Time Left
Time between full charge cycles and time left until a full charge is triggered.
Static SoC Window Full Charge Energy / Energy Left
Energy throughput between full charge cycles and throughput left until a full charge is triggered.
Partial SoC Window
Falling SoC window to start charging.
Partial SoC Stop Current
Current level for charge done.
Partial SoC Stop Voltage
Voltage level to stop charging.
Partial SoC Stop SoC
Falling SoC window between charge cycles.
Partial SoC Full Charge Voltage
Lower voltage level to force full charge.
Partial SoC Full Charge Time / Time Left
Time between full charge cycles and time left until a full charge is triggered.
Partial SoC Full Charge Energy / Energy Left
Energy throughput between full charge cycles and throughput left until a full charge is triggered.
Hybrid Shifting Status
0=Not active, 1=Active. For more information see section Hybrid Shifting.
Peak Load Shifting status
0=Not active, 1=Active. For more information see section Peak Load Shifting.
BMU data / Status
Invalid / Not installed / No communication / Operational / Not Operational
BMU data / SoC
State of Charge for each BMU.
BMU data / SoH
State of Health for each BMU.
BMU data / Current
Total current going in and out of the battery BMU. A negative current indicates discharge and a positive current indicates charge.
BMU data / Max Cell Voltage
Maximum Cell Voltage.
BMU data / Min Cell Voltage
Minimum Cell Voltage.
BMU data / Total Voltage
Total Voltage of the Module.
BMU data / Charge mode
Charge mode of the module can be charge or discharge.
The eSite Modular system supports operation of up to two (2) gensets connected simultaneously. The configured gensets are visible under the Genset tab. The Genset tab provides the information shown in the table below. For further information about Gensets, read the reference section Genset(s).
Operational mode
Forced on / All AC sources forced off / Auto
Actual genset operational mode commanded by the eSite RMC.
Night Silence mode
Disabled / Inactive / Pre charge / Silent period active / Silent period aborted
If Night Silence mode is active, the genset is inhibited until it leaves night silence or Night Silence is aborted.
Genset mode
Ready / Start Request / Warm-up / Ramp Up / Running / Ramp Down / Cool Down / Off
eSite controlled state of the genset(s). A counter shows for how long a mode has been active, for example for Running, or how many seconds that are left, for example for Warmup.
Actual state
Stopped / Running
Detected state of the genset.
Unexpected genset start
Yes / No
Genset is running without active start command from the eSite RMC.
Power request
Requested power from the genset, kept at maximum capacity rating.
Genset power
Produced power from genset.
Produced current
Produced current from genset.
V (Hz)
Voltage and frequency.
V (Hz)
Voltage and frequency.
V (Hz)
Voltage and frequency.
Genset service countdown
Time left until genset service.
Total genset run hours
Runtime since eSite Modular installation.
Tank X volume
Present volume in tank.
Tank X max volume
The maximum volume of the tank is configured under the configuration menu Fuel monitoring.
Information from all connected solar converters are displayed under the Solar menu. The Solar menu provides the information shown in the table below. For further information about solar arrays, read the reference in section Solar management.
Total power
Total produced power from the solar converters.
Total current
Total produced output current from the solar converters.
Array voltage (Solar x)
Voltage of a specific array.
Output power (Solar x)
Produced power from the array.
The Grid tab provides the information shown in the table below. For further information about Grid read the reference in section Grid
Grid status
Invalid / Inhibited / Partial / Ok
Invalid when no grid power is available, Inhibited if Green Power mode is configured to inhibit grid power, Partial 1 or 2 phases are not available.
Grid power
Power drawn from grid.
Grid current
Produced DC current from grid.
V, A, Hz
Phase 1 AC voltage, current and frequency.
V, A, Hz
Phase 2 AC voltage, current and frequency.
V, A, Hz)
Phase 3 AC voltage, current and frequency.
Grid fuse
Configured size of the maximum rating of the grid fuse (on the AC side) on site.
The Alarm tab displays any active alarms on site. For a full list of alarms with descriptions and recommended actions, see section Alarm list. The eSite Web Alarm menu provides information about Active alarms and the time of activation for each alarm.
The eSite Web 'Graphs' page provides the graphs given in the table below. Enter the number of days to display in the graphs and click Submit. The default graphs present data for a period of one day.
Graph – Temperatures
Shows Battery and Ambient temperatures for the selected amount of days.
Graph – Power
Shows consumed power for the installed Genset 1–2, Grid and Solar power sources for the selected amount of days.
Graph – Grid
Shows Grid voltage and current for the selected amount of days.
Graph – Genset 1–2
Shows genset voltage and current for the selected amount of days.
Graph – Battery
Shows System voltage, Battery voltage, state of charge and charge current for the selected amount of days.
Graph – Tank Volume
Shows tank volume for the selected amount of days.
The graphs show plots of commonly used system data for a selected period of time in order to facilitate on-site troubleshooting and interpreting alarms. The example in Figure 4.2 shows the temperature data for a period of ten (10) days.
The About menu provides the information shown in the table below.
Software Versions
– Main controller SW Version -- Linux Version-- Application Software
Main Controller Information
– System CPU Temperature -- System Uptime -- MAC address -- IP address
HW Info
– RMC serial number -- Unit serial number(s) -- Modem signal strength
System Information
-- Commissioning date -- Installed options -- Information about used open source software components
If a modem is installed , the modem signal strength is displayed as an RSSI classification as follows: 0-10 (Poor), 11-14 (OK), 15-19 (Good), 20-30 (Excellent). If there is an error with the signal, it is shown under this menu.
Under the 'Settings' tab, all user settings required for the eSite Modular system and its associated systems are managed. Current settings and values are visible in the column 'Current value'. To update settings and values, enter the new information in the 'Set' column and click 'Save' to confirm the update. The 'Save' button must be clicked for each configuration. The 'Settings' tab is divided into subsections according to the shortcut table below (please click to find relevant configuration parameters) and Figure 4.3.
Site commissioning
Some settings are optional and will not be available if the associated option is not installed.
In this section, the user may set the name, location and time of the eSite Modular system.
eSite name
Not Commissioned
Name of the site.
Longitude range -180 to 180
Enter as decimal degrees. Use format (-)xx(x).xxx(xx).
Latitude range 90 to 90
Enter as decimal degrees. Use format (-)xx(x).xxx(xx).
Select time zone
Africa /Libreville
Select correct time zone from the drop down list.
Year - Month - Day Hour : min : sec
The last known local time is automatically used.
In this section, parameters for connecting the eSite RMC to a specific eSite Tools server are set.
eSite Tools ID
Not Commissioned
Must be unique for each site. Used to reference the site by eSite Tools server.
eSite Tools server IP
IP address to eSite Tools server. Provided by eSite Power Systems
eSite Event time
20 sec
The time interval for event synchronization between the eSite RMC and eSite Tools.
eSite Data update time
600 sec
The time interval for regular data synchronization between the eSite RMC and eSite Tools.
IP number to NTP server
Retrieves correct time using network Time Protocol (NTP).
Enable eSite Tools server time
Off / On
Use server time locally on site. The server time can differ from local site if the server is placed in another time zone.
Restart eSite Tools agent
Restarts eSite Tools agent. After a restart it directly tries to establish a connection to the server.
Start eSite Tools communication test
This will start the communications test to eSite Tools. A log file is created and will be included in the backup archive, goto 'System' menu to backup data. The test can take up to 75 seconds.
Use this configuration menu when updating the I/O settings. For more information about I/O see I/O screw terminals where the connection is made.
The eSite RMC front interface includes 20 Digital Input relay ports with configurable functionality, primarily used for triggering various events when the connected input relay has tripped. The specific functionality of each Digital Input port is configurable from here.
Source A
AC grid
No Source / AC grid / AC genset 1
Type of AC source connected to AC input A.
Source B
No source
No Source / AC grid / AC genset 2
Type of AC source connected to AC input B.
Digital Input 1–20
Digital input
Digital input / Surge protection / Battery door / MCB Battery bank/ Genset 1–2 Alarm 1–3
Configures the digital input port to its corresponding relay connection. If set to 'Digital Input', external customer alarms are triggered as Digital Input events. Ports also supports external surge protection alarm, battery door open alarm, battery MCB tripped alarm (forces the system into Safe Mode) and external Genset alarms.
Digital Input 1–20 State
Not used
Not used / Normally closed / Normally closed
State configuration of the Digital Input ports depending on relay type.
The eSite RMC front interface includes 4 Analogue Input ports with configurable functionality, that currently supports use of 0-10 V fuel sensors for fuel monitoring. The specific functionality of each Analogue Input port is configurable from here.
Analogue Input 1
Fuel Sensor Tank 1
Not Used / Fuel Sensor Tank 1 / Fuel Sensor Tank 2
Configuration of Analogue Input port functionality.
Analogue Input 2
Fuel Sensor Tank 2
Not Used / Fuel Sensor Tank 1 / Fuel Sensor Tank 2
Configuration of Analogue Input port functionality.
Analogue Input 3
Not Used
Not Used / Fuel Sensor Tank 1 / Fuel Sensor Tank 2
Configuration of Analogue Input port functionality.
Analogue Input 4
Not Used
Not Used / Fuel Sensor Tank 1 / Fuel Sensor Tank 2
Configuration of Analogue Input port functionality.
The eSite RMC front interface includes 10 Digital output ports with configurable functionality. Currently supported functions for Digital Output ports are Genset start commands and start/stop of the Cabinet Cooling equipment. The specific functionality of each Digital Output port is configurable from here.
Digital Output 1
Genset 1 start cmd
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Primarily used for Genset 1 start
Digital Output 2
Not used
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Primarily used for Genset 2 start
Digital Output 3
Cabinet Cooling
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Primarily used for Cabinet Cooling.
Digital Output 4
Not used
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Configuration of Digital Out port functionality.
Digital Output 5
Not used
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Configuration of Digital Out port functionality.
Digital Output 6
Not used
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Configuration of Digital Out port functionality.
Digital Output 7
Not used
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Configuration of Digital Out port functionality.
Digital Output 8
Not used
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Configuration of Digital Out port functionality.
Digital Output 9
Not used
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Configuration of Digital Out port functionality.
Digital Output 10
Not used
Genset 1 start cmd / Genset 2 start cmd / Cabinet Cooling
Configuration of Digital Out port functionality.
Digital Output 1-10 State
Normally open
Normally closed / Normally open
Function of the digital out relay.
From here, it is possible to individually configure the parameters of the Steinhart equation for thyristor temperature conversion for each temperature sensor.
Battery temp sensor Beta
3977 K
0-1000 K
Configuration of Beta constant for Steinhart equation.
Battery temp sensor R0
10000 Ohm
0-15000 Ohm
Configuration of temp sensor reference resistance.
Ambient temp sensor Beta
3977 K
0-1000 K
Configuration of Beta constant for Steinhart equation.
Ambient temp sensor R0
10000 Ohm
0-15000 Ohm
Configuration of temp sensor reference resistance.
In this section, the genset settings can be updated. All gensets connected to the eSite Modular system are visible here, labelled Genset 1 and Genset 2. Click the respective genset name to configure.
This section is also used to update the Night Silence and UPS mode settings.
Genset start alarm delay time
300 sec
1-9999 s
Genset Failed to Start/Stop Alarms are triggered when the respective alarms conditions are met for this amount of time. Setting this time to a low value in a dual genset system will result in a quicker genset start. Recommended in UPS mode.
Enable Exercise Run
Off / On
Enable the genset exercise run functionality.
Interval between exercise runs
360 hours
0 – 9999 h
Minimum interval between genset exercise run starts.
Genset exercise run duration
1800 sec
0 – 9999 s
Genset exercise run time.
Night silence enable
Off / On
Enables Night Silence mode.
Start time
00:00 – 23:59
Start time for silent period. The batteries are pre-charged before this time.
Stop time
00:00 – 23:59
Stop time for silent period. The genset is allowed to start.
Min voltage level
46.8 V
0 – 60 V
If the battery voltage falls below this value, the genset is allowed to start and the silence period ends. Only applicable if stop on charge request is disabled.
Min SoC level
0 – 100 %
If the SoC level falls below this value, the genset is allowed to start and the silence period ends. Only applicable if stop on charge request is disabled.
Min Capacity Left
150 Ah
0 – 9999 Ah
Night silence mode will end when a charge request becomes active
Stop on charge request
Off / On
Select if a charge request is allowed to start the genset and end the night silence period.
Enable UPS mode
On / Off
Enable UPS functionality.
Dual Genset Run Interval
21600 s (6 h)
The time in seconds each genset shall run before switching genset in UPS mode with dual genset setup.
Periodic Full Charge Enabled
Enabled / Disabled
Enable the periodic full charge option for UPS mode.
Full Charge Duration
12 h
0 – 9999 h
The time in hours the system shall run the genset on boost voltage level (Full Charge) in UPS mode.
Interval between Full Charge
2160 h (90 days)
0 – 9999 h
Time between periodic full charge cycles in UPS mode.
Full Charge Trigger voltage
45.5 V
45 – 60 V
Safety voltage level for triggering a Full Charge cycle in UPS mode.
Operational mode
Auto / Genset Forced on / All AC sources Off
Used to force genset on/off from eSite Web. It is recommended to always leave the operational mode in Auto.
Genset rated power
15 kVA
0 – 30kVA
Rated power of the genset. The power should not be set higher than the genset capacity. When calculating the genset rated output, only 70% of the total capacity is used.
Enable Genset Service alarm
Enabled / Disabled
Enable the service time alarm.
Genset Service Interval
250 h
0 – 9999 h
Time interval of Genset run hours between maintenance of the Genset. Specified by manufacturer.
Genset Service Alarm Trigger time
0 h
0 – 1 000 h
The Genset Service alarm is triggered when this number of run hours is left until service.
Genset Alarm 1–3
No input
No input / Normally closed / Normally open
When tripped an alarm is triggered. Used for alarms coming from the genset using alarm relays. Same configuration can be found under section 'I/O'.
Genset service time reset
Reset function
Resets service time. The service time is presented on the genset page.
Genset run time reset
Set/Reset function
Set the genset runtime to a value.
Activate Genset control panel communication
Enabled / Disabled
Activates genset control panel communication. See modbus communication for more information.
Slave ID
1 – 255
The slave ID must match the slave ID setting on the genset panel.
Restart modbus communication after changes
A restart after change of settings.
A set of signals can be configured to be read from the genset panel if they are supported from the genset panel. The following settings must be done for each signal according to the genset panel Modbus communication specification. See the Appendix for an installation guide.
No_Function / Read_Holding_Registers / Read_Input_Registers
Select the correct function according to genset panel.
0 – 99 999
The signal register.
BOOLEAN / UINT8 / UINT16 / INT16 / UINT32 High word first / INT32 High word first / UINT32 Low word first / INT32 Low word first IEEE–754
Select the signal type.
No scale, 10, 100, 1000, 3600
For signal scaling.
Bit position
1 – 16
Select the bit position.
Maximum grid phase current
19 A
0 – 19 A
AC Current limitation for the grid fuse of a single phase.
Green Power Influx Enabled
On / Off
Enables Green Power mode.
Green Power Mode
Load percent
Load Percent / Time Interval
Allows the user to choose between the two available operational modes.
Voltage Activation
0 – 60 V
Battery voltage required for activation of the green power influx feature.
Voltage Deactivation
47 V
0 – 60 V
If the battery voltage goes below this value, Green Power mode is deactivated and the AC source must complete it's charge cycle before Green Power mode is reactivated.
SoC Level Activation
60 %
0 – 100 %
If Green Power mode is inactive due to low SoC, it is activated when the SoC reaches this value.
SoC Level Deactivation
50 %
0 – 100 %
Green Power mode is deactivated if the SoC level falls below this value.
Activation Delay Timer
60 s
0 – 3 600 s
Time needed to ensure that solar power is stable and sufficient.
Solar Load Deactivation
70 %
0 – 200 %
Solar power percentage of customer load required for solar to be considered sufficient. If Green Power mode is active, it is deactivated when the solar power drops below this limit. If Green Power mode is inactive, it is activated when this limit is exceeded and the specific mode requirements are met.
Solar Load Activation
80 %
0 – 200 %
Solar power percentage of customer load required for Green Power mode deactivate.
AC Source Disable Time
00:00 – 23:59
Green Power mode is activated, AC sources are disabled.
AC Source Enable Time
00:00 – 23:59
Green Power mode is deactivated, AC sources are re-enabled.
Reset Solar converter
Commands all Solar converters in the system to reset.
Cabinet Cooling can be configured in two different modes, see table below. The digital output relay need to be configured to 'Cabinet Cooling', see I/O Configuration
Cabinet Cooling mode
No Cabinet Cooling
No Cabinet Cooling, Delta Ambient, Battery temp levels
Delta Ambient mode uses temperatures offsets between battery and ambient temp. Battery Temp Level mode use an temperature set value.
Fan On Delta mode (°C)
Temperature difference threshold for turning on battery cooling.
Fan Off Delta mode (°C)
Temperature difference threshold for turning off battery cooling.
Fan On Level mode (°C)
Temperature threshold for turning on battery cooling.
Fan Off Level mode (°C)
Temperature threshold for turning off battery cooling.
Min Fan Runtime (sec)
10000 (sec)
Minimum runtime for battery cooling fan before it can be turned off.
Manually start cooling fan
Current output value
Auto, Cooling Fan On
The output value can be: Off, On, Forced On, Fallback (temp sensor in fallback)
Enable Poor Cooling alarm
On / Off
The poor cooling alarm can be activated even without the Cabinet Cooling feature being activated. The alarm is triggered by the temperature threshold below
Poor Cooling Alarm Temp Delta Threshold
12 °C
0-70 °C
Temperature difference threshold between ambient and battery temperature for triggering of Poor Cooling alarm.
In this section, the Fuel monitoring settings can be managed. Up to two (2) fuel tanks with dedicated fuel sensors can be installed. The eSite RMC supports different types of fuel sensors. Click on the respective tanks (Tank 1 and Tank 2) to configure their tank and sensor properties. A fuel sensor with an analogue signal output can be connected to an Analogue Input on the I/O screw terminals. The measuring range of the Analogue Input is 0 – 10 V. Note that the eSite RMC can also read fuel data from the genset panel if a fuel sensor is integrated with the genset. See section Genset Management.
Sensor type
No fuel sensor
No fuel sensor / Volt–height / Volt-litre / Lookup volt-litre
All counters for consumption, fillings and losses are reset when no fuel sensor is selected. Volt–height is used for standard sensor with an voltage output corresponding to pressure or height. Volt–litre is used with sensors that have an voltage output corresponding to liters. Lookup volt – litre is used for example on tanks of irregular shape.
Tank shape
Rectangular box
No tank / Rectangular box / Standing cylinder / Horizontal cylinder
Shape of the tank.
Tank height
0 mm
0 – 10 000 mm
Enter the values as accurately as possible. Do not round off numbers.
Tank length
0 mm
0 – 10 000 mm
Enter the values as accurately as possible. Do not round off numbers.
Tank width
0 mm
0 – 10 000 mm
Enter the values as accurately as possible. Do not round off numbers.
Tank radius
0 mm
0 – 10 000 mm
Only available for cylindrical tank types. The radius can be calculated by measuring the circumference and divide by 2π.
Sensor max height
1 884 mm
0 – 10 000 mm
For pressure sensor the height is calculated as:h = P/(ρg) where P is pressure in Pasqual (Pa).In the fuel sensor datasheet the range can be specified in Pa, Bar mH 2 O etc. Default for g is 9.812 and the density of diesel (rho) is 866 kg/m 3 . The density of diesel can vary.
Sensor output volt min
0.1 V
0 – 10 V
If a sensor with voltage as output is selected, these settings must be set.
Sensor output volt max
10 V
0 – 10 V
If a sensor with voltage as output is selected, these settings must be set.
Settings for the individual tenant current measurements are managed from here.
Enable tenant 1 – 10 current sensor
On / Off
If a tenant sensor is installed, set to "On".
Configure CAN ID
ID 0-9
ID 3C0 - 3C9
Each tenant sensor has to be configured with the correct sensor ID. Use the dropdown list to select the correct CAN ID.
Total load high power alarm
10 000 W
0 – 21 000 W
Combined power for both LP and HP and for all tenants. Must be active for 10 seconds. Threshold for high load alarm.
Tenant 1 – 10 high power alarm
5 000 W
0 – 9 500 W
Only active if tenant current sensor is "On". Must be active for 10 seconds. Threshold to trigger high power alarm.
In this section, the Battery settings can be managed. For custom battery configuration, see below.
Battery configuration
A battery template must always be selected. Select it from the dropdown list and press the button. Imported battery configurations will be visible at the end of the list.
Import battery configuration
Press the link to import a new battery configuration file. The file must have the extension '.flx' and be created via the 'Export' link or supplied by eSite Power Systems The new configuration will be visible at the end in the dropdown list. For more information on how to save a custom battery configuration file see section System Update.
Export battery configuration
Press link to create new battery configuration file from current battery values. For more information on how to save a custom battery configuration file see section System Update.
Battery charge strategy
Voltage cycle
Voltage cycle/Static SOC/Partial SOC
Different strategy will be visible depends on selected battery configuration. Reed section Batteries for more information.
Start a full charge cycle
Manually trigger a full charge cycle. Recommended for new batteries. When started, system mode reports 'Auto Full Charge' and charge mode on battery page reports 'Full Charge'.
Start an extended full charge cycle
Manually trigger an extended full charge cycle. When started, system mode reports 'Auto Full Charge' and charge mode on battery page reports 'Extended Full Charge'.
Start Balancing Full Charge cycle
Manually trigger a Balancing Full Charge cycle for Li-ion batteries. When started, system mode reports Auto Full Charge and charge mode on the battery page reports Balancing Full Charge.
Reset number of charge cycles
Reset number of completed charge cycles (Li-ion batteries only).
Enable Periodic Balancing Full Charge
Enable periodic Balancing Full Charge cycles (Li-ion batteries only).
Balancing Full Charge Energy Throughput
Energy throughput between Balancing Full Charge cycles (Li-ion batteries only).
Balancing Full Charge Number of Cycles Interval
Number of charge cycles between Balancing Full Charge cycles (Li-ion batteries only).
Alarm Battery High Temp
See data sheet of battery
Above this level an alarm is triggered
Alarm Battery Very High Temp
See data sheet of battery
Above this level an alarm is triggered
Alarm Battery Low Voltage
Low voltage alarm
Alarm Battery Low Voltage Reset
Low voltage alarm reset
Reset Battery Total Throughput
Reset Battery Total Throughput
The following battery parameters apply only for installed lead-acid batteries.
Set new battery configuration name
any text > 3 letters
Set any name to the configuration setup, especially when the configuration shall be exported to other sites but not a requirement.
Rated Capacity
See data sheet of battery
Rated of the battery string/BMU
Coulomb Efficiency
See data sheet of battery
Coefficient for compensating Ah round trip efficiency during charging. % * 0.01
Absorb Voltage
Genset/Grid boost voltage – 0.5V
Absorb voltage threshold
Absorb Time
300 s
Absorb time(s)
Absorb To Charge Voltage
Genset/Grid float voltage – 0.5V
Fall back voltage
Equalize Current
Rated Battery Capacity * 0.03
Equalize current
Equalize Time
21600 (6h)
Equalize time(s)
Fully Charged Current
Rated Battery Capacity * 0.03
Full charge current
Fully Charged Time
Fully charged time(s)
Temperature Compensation X0-X3
X1>X0, X2>X1, X3>X2
Temperature compensation, X values, must be increasing with the lowest value in X0.
Temperature Compensation Y0-Y3
See data sheet of battery
Voltage compensation, Y values
Extended Full Charge Time
64800 (18h)
Extended full charge time(s)
Genset Boost Voltage
See data sheet of battery. Max 58V
Boost voltage (topping charge with constant voltage level)
Genset Float Voltage
See data sheet of battery
Float voltage
Grid Boost Voltage
See data sheet of battery. Max 58V
Boost voltage (topping charge with constant voltage level)
Grid Float Voltage
See data sheet of battery
Float voltage
Solar Boost Voltage
See data sheet of battery. Max 58V
Solar boost voltage
Solar Float Voltage
See data sheet of battery
Solar float voltage
Nominal Current
Rated Battery Capacity * 0.2
Nominal battery charge current. VRLA: Total battery block current.
Maximum charge current
Rated Battery Capacity * 0.2
Battery charge current. Lithium-Ion: Set current upon total block size. Use current limit information from Li-ion batteries if present on com bus.
Safe Mode Current
Same as Nominal Current
Used when the system is in an abnormal state
Safe Mode Voltage
< Float Genset Voltage
Used when the system is in an abnormal state
Start Voltage
See data sheet of battery
Voltage level for charge start.
Stop Voltage
See data sheet of battery OR Boost Voltage - 1V
Voltage level for charge done. Stop when Voltage and Current are fulfilled.
Stop Current
See data sheet of battery OR Rated Battery Capacity/100
Current level for charge done. Stop when Voltage and Current are fulfilled.
Stop Time
See data sheet of battery
Charge time(s) after reaching stop voltage/current
Full Charge Time
864000 (10 days)
Time(s) between full charge cycles
Full Charge Energy
Rated Battery Capacity * 1.18
Energy throughput between full charge cycles
Start SOC
See data sheet of battery
SOC level to start charge
Stop SOC
See data sheet of battery
SOC level to stop charge
Full Charge Voltage
See data sheet of battery
Lower voltage level to force full charge
Full Charge Time
864000 (10 days)
Time(s) between full charge cycles
Full Charge Energy
Battery Capacity * 1.18
Energy throughput between full charge cycles
SOC Window
See data sheet of battery
Falling SOC window to start charging
Stop Current
See data sheet of battery OR Rated Battery Capacity/100
Current level for charge done. Stop when Voltage and Current are fulfilled.
Stop Voltage
See data sheet of battery OR Boost Voltage - 1V
Voltage level for charge done. Stop when Voltage and Current are fulfilled.
Inhibit Stop Charging
35 %
Lower SOC level to keep charge request
Full Charge Voltage
See data sheet of battery
Lower voltage level to force full charge
Full Charge Time
864000 (10 days)
Time(s) between full charge cycles
Full Charge Energy
Rated Battery Capacity * 1.18
Energy throughput between full charge cycles
The following battery parameters apply only for installed Li-ion batteries.
Set new battery configuration name
any text > 3 letters
Set any name to the configuration setup, especially when the configuration shall be exported to other sites but not a requirement.
Rated Capacity
See data sheet of battery
Rated of the battery string/BMU
Coulomb Efficiency
See data sheet of battery
Coefficient for compensating Ah round trip efficiency during charging. % * 0.01
Genset Set Voltage
See data sheet of battery.
Set voltage level for Li-ion battery operation when using genset power. Charge request active.
Genset Float Voltage
See data sheet of battery.
Set voltage level for Li-ion battery when using genset power. Charge request inactive.
Solar Set Voltage
See data sheet of battery.
Set voltage level for Li-ion battery when using solar power. Charge request active.
Solar Float Voltage
See data sheet of battery.
Set voltage level for Li-ion battery when using solar power. Charge request inactive.
Grid Set Voltage
See data sheet of battery.
Set voltage level for Li-ion battery when using grid power. Charge request active.
Grid Float Voltage
See data sheet of battery.
Set voltage level for Li-ion battery when using grid power. Charge request inactive.
Enable Battery Synchronization
Enable battery synchronization at the end of a charge cycle.
Battery Synchronization Current
2 A
Battery synchronization charge current limit.
Battery Synchronization Time
300 s
Battery synchronization step duration.
Battery Ramp Up Voltage
50 V
Battery ramp up start voltage.
Battery Ramp Up Time
Defines the rate of voltage increase during ramp up. 1 Volt per configured time interval
Safe Mode Current
Same as Nominal Current
Used when the system is in an abnormal state
Safe Mode Voltage
< Float Genset Voltage
Used when the system is in an abnormal state
Enable Hybrid Shifting
Hybrid shifting set a temporary genset stop value. See details in Battery reference section.
Set Shifting On time
Time setting to activate hybrid shifting.
Set Shifting Off time
Time setting to deactivate hybrid shifting.
Genset stop voltage
Genset stop Voltage in Hybrid shifting mode.
Enable Peak Load Shifting
Peak Load shifting set a temporary grid float value. See details in Battery reference section.
Set Shifting On time
Time setting to activate peak load shifting.
Set Shifting Off time
Time setting to deactivate peak load shifting.
Grid Float voltage
Grid Float Voltage in Peak Load shifting mode.
Charge State Current
Battery charge current threshold to be exceeded for the battery to be in Charge state.
Discharge State Current
Battery discharge current threshold to fall below for the battery to be in Discharge state.
Charge Time
Duration of charge or discharge current conditions to be valid until battery state changes.
Fully charged cut off
Rated Battery Capacity * 0.04
Threshold of battery charge current to fall below for the battery to be considered fully charged..
Fully charged voltage
See data sheet of battery
Threshold of battery voltage to be exceeded for the battery to be considered fully charged.
Fully charged time delay
60 s
Duration of the battery fully charged current AND fully charged voltaqe for the battery to be considered fully chaged.
Equlibrium Voltage
0.1 V
Limit of voltage increase/decrease rate for the battery to be considered to be in Equilibrium state.
Equlibrium Time
300 s
Duration of low voltage increase/decrease rate for the battery to enter Equilibrium state.
Start Voltage
See data sheet of battery
Voltage level for charge start
Stop Voltage
See data sheet of battery
Voltage level for charge done. Stop when Voltage and Current are fulfilled.
Stop Current
See data sheet of battery
Current level for charge done. Stop when Voltage and Current are fulfilled.
Stop Time
See data sheet of battery
Charge time(s) after reaching stop voltage/current
Start SoC
See data sheet of battery
SOC level to start charge
Stop SoC
See data sheet of battery
SOC level to stop charge
Static SoC control options
1 = Start/stop on average SOC, 2 = Protective SSOC with active comm. Start/stop on min/max BMU SOC, 3 = Balancing SSOC with active comm. Start/stop on min/min BMU SOC.
Balancing Full Charge Trigger Voltage
45.5 V
Safety SOC level to trigger Balancing Full Charge
LVD settings are managed from here.
Low Prio load disconnect volt
42-60 V
Voltage to disconnect LP, default=45 V
Low Prio load disconnect time
Time before LP is disconnected after disconnect thresholds are reached, default=300 s
Low Prio load reconnect volt
42-60 V
Voltage required to reconnect LP, default=48 V
Low Prio load reconnect time
Time before LP is reconnected after reconnect thresholds are reached, default=30 s
Low Prio load reconnect current
0-200 A
Produced current required to reconnect LP, default=20 A
Low Prio load fast reconnect volt
42-60 V
Voltage required for fast reconnect of LP , default=52 V.
High Prio load LVD enable
If enabled, LVD will use separate settings for High Prio load LVD. Disabled, LVD will use the same settings for High Prio load as for Low Prio load.
High Prio load disconnect volt
42-60 V
Voltage to disconnect HP, default=43.5 V
High Prio load disconnect time sec
Time before HP is disconnected after disconnect thresholds are reached, default=5 s
High Prio load reconnect voltage
42-60 V
Voltage required to reconnect HP, default=48 V.
High Prio load reconnect time sec
Time before LP is reconnected after reconnect thresholds are reached, default=5 s
The Modbus communication functionality enables third party systems to communicate with the eSite RMC. In this section, the Modbus settings are configured.
Enable communication to Li-ion BMS
Set to ON if communication to Li-ion BMS is installed.
Installed Li-Ion modules
Number of installed BMUs, used to set communication alarms and for communication to BMU.
Modbus communication protocol
No protocol selected
See Li-ion batteries for supported batteries
Select the Li-ion battery brand communication protocol to be used.
Enable communication to Genset1 AMF panel
Set to ON if communication to Genset1 is installed. Configuration needed in Genset tab.
Enable communication to Genset2 AMF panel
Set to ON if communication to Genset2 is installed. Configuration needed in Genset tab.
Slave ID
The slave ID must not be in conflict with any ID on the modbus.
Selected Baudrate
9600 / 19200 / 38400 / 57600 / 115200
Select the desired RS485 Baudrate for Modbus communication.
Restart Modbus handler
Restart modbus handler when changes are made.
In this section, system updates, downloading of backup data and uploading if configuration data can be performed.
Update eSite main controllers
Software updates for main controller, rectifiers and solar controllers. Update images are provided by eSite Power Systems.
Backup data (export)
Backup configuration data, custom battery file, modbus config file and log data.
Upload configuration data (import)
Upload to this eSite a new battery file or configuration file here.
Update eSite options
Update the Option file. The file, which is provided by eSite Power Systems, must match the serial number of the eSite RMC.
Reboot System
Command to reboot the system.
Shutdown System
Command to shutdown the system.
Factory Reset
Command to restore all settings to default and reboot the system.
Modem Reset
Command to reset the modem. Should be done after installing a new SIM card.
Reset Load switch
Reset pulse for the LVD breakers.
Change password
Select a user to change its password. Write the new user password in the text box and press 'Save'
Reset passwords
Reset passwords. Select a user and press 'Reset' button.
Add IP address/subnet mask
Add IP gateway
IP Restore
Press to restore default IP settings
Change APN setting
Change the modem access point name (apn) from default (internet). Be patient, it takes 30 seconds to restart the modem with new settings.
This is a forward link to the Site Commissioning guide. During Site Commissioning, settings for the eSite Modular system are finalized upon installation. The Site Commissioning makes sure that the eSite Modular system is set up correctly and operates as intended. Moreover, the Site Commissioning guide is where all RE/RSE/SE Converter Units are registered and unregistered. Detection of a connected, unregistered unit automatically starts the Site Commissioning guide. To unregister a registered Converter Unit, please enter the Site Commissioning guide from this menu
Add an extra ip address to eth0. Use syntax: where x is the IP address and nn is the subnet mask in Linux notation (24 = mask
Add a gateway to eth0. Use syntax: where x is the IP address to the gateway